Excel At Your Career & Business With A Success Coach

Discover how the right success coach can help you to achieve your goals.

Success coaches help you identify your goals and find solutions to achieve them. Success coaches, more commonly known as life coaches, help you focus on your future and come up with an achievable plan to accomplish your goals. Life coaches are commonly mistaken with mentors. While there is sometimes crossover between the two, mentors focus specifically on improving your career. Success coaches focus on all assets of your life, and while this commonly includes your career, it also extends to personal and social elements.

Success coaches share some similarities with therapists. Both help you identify issues in your life and come up with ways to overcome them. The biggest difference between the two is a success coach cannot diagnose you or provide medication. Therapy also spends more time exploring how you ended up in your current position, while success coaches primarily focus on moving forward. The exact process a success coach uses is personalized for each client. Many success coaches also give speeches addressing common issues they’ve previously helped clients deal with.

When to Hire a Success Coach

A common misconception is you can only hire a success coach if you are unhappy with your life. Many clients live happy and fulfilling lives, but there is one facet of their life they are unable to change, no matter how hard they try. For example, some clients hire a life coach because they have tried dieting for several years but are unable to lose weight. Other clients want to transition into a new job, but haven’t been able to make the change. Some clients hire a success coach because they are unable to meet new friends.

Before you hire a success coach, you must assess whether you’ve honestly tried to change. If you are resistant to changing, you will ultimately clash with your success coach. You must also be willing to accept criticisms about yourself.

What a Success Coach Does

The exact advice a success coach provides changes based on the situation, but many success coaches follow the same process. Sessions begin with identifying what your overall goals are. Next, they breakdown all the obstacles, both internal and external, keeping you from achieving your goal. This also includes going over what methods you’ve tried in the past. During this process, you must be honest with your success coach, even when addressing your faults.

Once your success coach understands what you are trying to accomplish, as well as what keeps you from achieving your goals, the next step is to come up with a solution. Your success coach will work with you to come up with reasonable solutions, setting smaller goals to achieve your desired change. As you continue to meet with your success coach, you update him or her on the progress you’ve made. If you are still struggling, your coach will either offer additional advice or come up with a new plan.

Most clients meet with a success coach weekly, until their goals are accomplished. Some clients stretch sessions out further if they are accomplishing their goal, meeting every other week, or even once a month. Sessions typically last between 45 minutes to an hour. The first session is sometimes longer, so you have time to get comfortable with the coach and explain everything you want to accomplish.

Success coaches typically prefer to meet in person whenever possible, since this makes communication easier. If this is not an option, or you are not comfortable meeting in person, sessions can take place over the phone or video chat. The cost of a success coach varies depending on your needs and how often you want to meet. On average, you can expect to pay $50 to $300 an hour.

Finding the Right Coach

It may take several meetings before you find the right success coach. The majority of success coaches offer a free consultation. This gives you the opportunity to interact with the coach and see if you are a right fit. Some consultations are as short as 15 minutes, while others last for an entire session. You want a success coach who makes you feel comfortable, but is still able to offer constructive criticism. A good success coach knows how to push you for more details or encourage you to try new things, without breaking any personal boundaries.

Top Online Success Coaches

In 2021, many clients prefer to find a success coach online. Searching online opens you up to many more success coaches. There are also many coaches with detailed websites, giving you a much better idea of who you are hiring. Many success coaches also provide their lectures or other resources on their website. Searching online also allows you to search for specific styles of life coaches.

For example, one of the top success coaches, Mel Noakes, works specifically with female clients who want to feel more empowered in their career or personal lives. On the opposite end, David Ball works exclusively with male clients who normally struggle to reach out for help. Gabby Bernstein helps both men and women who feel spiritually disconnected from the world. Many success coaches, such as Shannon Wilkinson, also run a podcast, which you can find on their website.